Monday, October 20, 2008

Here are some pictures that my sister-in-law Annie took of Samson while we were in Oregon. Isn't she talented? Here's her website if you would like to see more of her photos:

Needless to say, we had a great time in Oregon. I loved to see Sam interact with his cousins and try to keep up with them. He's just so cute! Thanks for the pictures Annie...I LOVE them.


Becca Jane said...

Those are such great pictures! She's very talented. Sam is getting so big!

camie said...

annie + sam = some pretty amazing photos. very cute

Becca Jane said...

Your middle name is Michelle?? That's funny, because it that is a middle name that has crossed our minds. My sister Michelle's birthday is Jan 20, and I'm due on the 17th, so we talked about using her name as a middle name, but DeAnn already used it for her little Karen....Karen Michelle Green, so it's taken!